How to Hold a Canoe Paddle

2 min readJun 25, 2022


Canoe paddles can be a daunting sight for the uninitiated, but with just a little practice, anyone can start enjoying canoeing. In this guide, we will teach you how to hold and use a canoe paddle effectively so that you have an enjoyable experience on the water.

Before getting started, it is important to know the different parts of a canoe paddle and their functions. Next, we will explain how to hold the paddle in order to maximize efficiency when using it.

Holding a canoe paddle correctly is very important in order to successfully navigate the canoe. When holding the paddle the correct way, you create a ‘flat back’, which engages the blade more effectively in the water and gives you greater control.

How to Hold a Canoe Paddle

Here are some tips on how to hold a canoe paddle:
Hold the paddle shaft in your left hand, with your thumb on top of the shaft and your fingers spreading out along the length of the paddle.

Grip the top of the paddle with your right hand, just below the blade. This will help you keep the paddle in the middle of the water.

Ensure that your shoulder is facing forward and your stern is facing the direction you are paddling in. Extend your arm out in front of you and keep your elbow locked. This will help you maintain a strong grip on the paddle.

Keep your head down and focus on your paddling.
Following these tips will help you hold a canoe paddle correctly and give you the control you need to navigate the canoe.

